Ruby Jordan-Johnson
Section Head
Phone: 501.569.2379
Fax: 501.569.2009
The Public Involvement Section is responsible for:
- Maintaining an effective Public Involvement program
- Coordinating all public involvement efforts relating to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
- Facilitate and coordinate all public meetings/hearings and online virtual meetings. All meeting materials are available in English and Spanish (comment forms, flyers, presentations, etc.)
- Communicate with public officials, media personnel, and citizens
- Provide guidance to local public agencies (LPA’s) and consultant firms
- Evaluate social, economic, and Title VI/Environmental Justice (EJ) impacts for inclusion in the NEPA documents
- Ensures broad community representation in project development
- Plan, coordinate, and maintain outreach techniques to reach Limited English Proficient (LEP) citizens in order to educate and inform them about transportation projects. The Department’s Hispanic Community Impact Specialist is dedicated to assist citizens