Arkansas Commercial Truck Safety and Education Program

Arkansas Commercial Truck Safety and Education Program


The 2024 ACTSEP application cycle is now closed.

Act 1176 of 2013 authorized the Arkansas Commercial Truck Safety and Education Program (ACTSEP).  The purpose of this act is to advance State interests in roadway safety by proposing to improve the safety of the commercial truck industry through cooperative public private programs that focus on increased enforcement, regulatory compliance, industry training, and educational programs to ensure the safe movement of goods on Arkansas highways. 

The ACTSEP is funded with the first $2 million collected annually from a 15 percent registration fee increase for certain trucks operating in Arkansas under the International Registration Plan.

Arkansas Department of Transportation
c/o Local Programs Division
P. O. Box 2261
Little Rock, AR 72203-2261
Telephone: (479) 360-7161